Thursday, October 26, 2006

Practice Scales

Here is the painting I began a while back. You haven't seen it before perse, but I have mentioned it. This is my first venture on a wood panel with oil paints. It is a poplar board and I built a cradle for it (a wooden backing to prevent the panel from warping). I then gessoed the surface to protect it from the oils and sized the gesso to prevent it from overabsorbing the paint. Then I got completely frustrated. The sizing didn't resist the oil paints the way a canvas can and my paint was drying upon application.

After building up the layers and beginning to use linseed oil in my paints, I am back to the normal absorbtion and drying rate of oil paints. And I am very pleased by the smooth surface the panel affords me. Painting tiny detail is much easier on a flat board than a knobbly canvas. So I am finding I am able to paint teeny tiny objects in this composition. I am also getting some nice passages - well one so far. It is the detail I provided. I think the paint application became very nice and wet - soupy. The paint has a sense of flow, accident, or life to it.

I don't have many thoughts on this piece as to what it is about. I suppose I am not really trying to do something like that with this work. It's perhaps just a simple exercise again in still life. So that I can have a place to rest while I am in the studio. This painting is practice - like scales would be to a musician.


Anonymous said...

Hi Claudine- Do you know if there is a way I can enlarge the pictures of your paintings you post here. I'd love to be able to look for the tiny details etc. Love the music sign in the chair. See you soon, Barbara

Claudine said...

If you click on the image itself it does enlarge. However, I'm not sure it would give you the detail you are looking for. You could always leave a request for portions of the painting you would like to see better, and maybe I would get around to posting a detail of that area. (I'm thinking very ambitiously...)