Friday, November 23, 2007

Nearing the end

I can't believe it! Blogger let me upload my photo! Wow. As you can see, I have spent hours painting stalks on this canvas. This painting is reaching a wrapping up point, and none too soon I might add. It's time to start shooting slides for gradschool!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Patron Saint of Mothers

Here is the painting of Memphis after the photos were stitched together by a computer program. The bottom left hand corner in the foreground may appear strange. Through an oversight in my photographs the corner was empty after the autostitch was performed. So I tried my best to photoshop some virtual paint into the area. This is a fairly close representation of what it actually looks like. I haven't really taken any liberties. I have already put a lot more work into this piece - steadily painting stalks of sunflowers until my eyes cross. I'll post an updated photo in a few days. Meanwhile the list of colleges for application has been finalized - Rhode Island School of Design, Mass Art, Temple University, Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Washington, and Arizona State University. Now begins the arduous process of checking boxes and collecting the neccessary forms.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Post number 100: So much work!

I am going to have to fiddle around with a program Tyler found that will knit photos together. It is impossible to take a single photo of this piece at the moment, and I would bet that the piecemail presentation of this painting looks a little weird.

It is going very well. I have been painting my fingers to the bone as I am hoping to finish this piece and the painting of Tyler this month. That leaves the diptych of the apple and grackle from way long ago and the actual compilation of applications for next month. Phew. Why did they ever schedule this deadline over the holidays?!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

A better photo

This painting is so large that is impossible to snap a photo of the entire composition in my piddly little studio. But most of the work I am doing is on the right hand side of the canvas at the moment so here is a good photo of that. (It's actually a little out of focus...sorry.)

Thursday, November 01, 2007


I asked Tyler for a little bit of his biologist's mind and we discussed what I could add to the composition of my painting. I am afraid I will quickly tire of painting sunflowers so the "field" I had envisioned may have to be abridged. He suggested plants like thistle and teasle, and was fairly insistent that I have caterpillars wheedling their way through the picture (Yuck)...Today as I gathered some of those source photos for his good ideas I had a few of my own - datura, and a beautiful sphinx moth.