Thursday, November 01, 2007


I asked Tyler for a little bit of his biologist's mind and we discussed what I could add to the composition of my painting. I am afraid I will quickly tire of painting sunflowers so the "field" I had envisioned may have to be abridged. He suggested plants like thistle and teasle, and was fairly insistent that I have caterpillars wheedling their way through the picture (Yuck)...Today as I gathered some of those source photos for his good ideas I had a few of my own - datura, and a beautiful sphinx moth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we carry the sacred datura and of course it attracts the sphinx...great rendition here of both. the seed pod of datura is quite interesting (thistly) too if you're so inclined. also, most of the foliage on both the ones we sell and the ones I've seen in the wild is consumed one tiny hole at a time.