Thursday, July 23, 2009

Member's registration

has begun at the Brookline Art Center. I'll be teaching fall and winter workshops in oil painting Thursdays from 6:30 to 9:30. These are a great introduction to the media and a short time committment. Come join us and sharpen you skills.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fall classes

are being sorted out at the moment. I just received word that I'll be running a four week color workshop at the South Shore Art Center. The course runs 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday from Oct 17th through November 7th. Students are welcome to work in both oil or acrylic and we will dissect subject matter with my favourite device - color! The workshop is a short four week commitment, reasonably priced, and held in beautiful seaside Cohasset, Massachusetts. Come join us!

The link is posted under the classes and workshops listing on the right and once the Art Center uploads their catalogue, I will link directly to it.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Brookline Art Center

class is going great. And I'm tinkering with the idea of uploading samples of student work. You can peruse all the great things we do before deciding to come join us! Classes will continue in the fall for a shorter 5 week term.

Check out

the current edition of Artscope for a listing for the upcoming solo show Flutter. There it the back; no further..wait! Oh!...There. (I get excited about the little victories.)

Monday, July 06, 2009

All done

I am going to put this aside for the moment. I'm happy with the developments that occurred since the June critique, and I believe it may be ready for August's show.