Thursday, January 25, 2007

Beginning of a self portrait 20" x 16"

I like a painting when it is in this stage of emerging. Today I started a new self portrait over an old piece that I never finished. After recently adding a few links of artists I enjoy to the blog I remembered how much I admire juicy oil portraiture. It inspired me to get back to the figure myself (for the first time EVER in oils). I was so surprised by the result as I have never been able to achieve the same sort of subtly with acrylic paints. I think this is going to be a fun painting.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

12" x 24" Patterned background

This painting was started before Christmas and was then put on hold. I have just spent the last few hours hashing it out - teeny tiny brushes, lots of yellow and purple paint. I am still considering sorting out some of the irregularities in the pattern, but at the moment my mind is spinning. The plan is to use this as a background for a few animals, perhaps birds or bugs. We shall see. I am obsessed by ornately patterned vintage wallpaper. This particular design comes from a photo taken in a bar I like downtown, Chez Nouz. Yes, the wallpaper is that obnoxious gold, and the actual design is enhanced with flocking!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Pigeon 5" x 7"

Blogger updated to a new format?...These things boggle the mind, but I noticed the last two paintings I posted have fantastic "detail viewing potential". Just click on the image on the screen to get a better look at the pieces.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Abstract 4' x 5'

This blog is looking a little stagnant, yes? I have been working albeit only a little. Christmas was very busy, but I found time to finish a piece my parents want hung in their living room. Here is a photo of it. It was painted to their specifictions - abstract and using certain colors - so it isn't really in the same vein as my other work. Enjoy.