Tuesday, January 23, 2007

12" x 24" Patterned background

This painting was started before Christmas and was then put on hold. I have just spent the last few hours hashing it out - teeny tiny brushes, lots of yellow and purple paint. I am still considering sorting out some of the irregularities in the pattern, but at the moment my mind is spinning. The plan is to use this as a background for a few animals, perhaps birds or bugs. We shall see. I am obsessed by ornately patterned vintage wallpaper. This particular design comes from a photo taken in a bar I like downtown, Chez Nouz. Yes, the wallpaper is that obnoxious gold, and the actual design is enhanced with flocking!


Anonymous said...

Hi wifey, like the new design. It is fun to scroll back through everything you have done over the past several months. The wallpaper looks more vivid in real life, maybe adjust the image and repost?

Anonymous said...

chez nouz!!! greatest dark loungy place in the universe!!!

i like old crazy wallpaper, too, because it's made for us tactile people as often as not. fuzzy, thick, textured. just want to manhandle it!! i imagine that's frowned on with the painting, though. lol. ;) jk

Unknown said...

i love love love looking at your paintings, claud. thanks so much for taking the time & having the balls to share ;) i don't have anything interesting to say except that the wallpaper looks like it was a pain in the a** to do. Kudos to you for doing it at all (and doing it well i might add). hooray for painting!! :)