Thursday, December 11, 2008


Yes, yes, yes. This exposure is horribly yellow. I'm lazy. It is in focus - a problem that I am slowly working out. It feels so good to get into the studio to work on something I know won't make it into the grad school portfolio. I feel so free (and happy). I had the thought to stitch some of the paper I have laying around. And while I was dragging it out, I happened upon some past failed drawings. I began ripping them with the idea of attaching them to fresh pieces of paper and beginning again. By ripping off either the left or right edge, I was left with the basic composition above, and I liked it so much I began working back into it. I think my older drawings are too light mostly because I felt I couldn't reverse the ink marks I was laying down on the white paper. But I am going for it...if I want to lighten up the darker areas I am creating I think I will collage some fresh paper into the piece. Ahhh, freedom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this freedom you've found!