Monday, November 24, 2008

Finishing up

These two photos aren't stunningly sharp, but there is a heavy cloud cover today and just not enough light leaking into my studio. I am posting them to give you a general idea of the progress on these two works. I will upload better photos later.

I think this purple piece is finished. Strangely enough I sat down in the studio today and really felt as if I was haphazardly flinging paint - et voila! Perhaps the idea of "just getting on with it" really does get you somewhere.

Keeping with the "anything goes" vein, I am pushing this painting into new territory and allowing it to be ugly (which is making it look quite nice). I do tighten up too much. The little artist child inside me wants to throw paint and get messy. So I suppose now is as good a time as any. (Can I use anymore cliches in my entry...)

1 comment:

Ann Osgood said...

These both have a nice sense of movement...Your portfolio has a nice cohesion to it..which I think is what the schools are looking for..They convey a nice journey which I personally have really enjoyed watching!