Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Too many posts

I know, I know...Get a job, right? Well, some days it's hard to focus on stuff like that. I decided instead to turn my energies to the studio since reviewing job postings is making me feel inadequate today. I am interested in showing my work locally, and the idea is to get some stuff up at a certain coffee shop. (no, not that one.) They seem to do a pretty swift business selling art, so I saw it as an opportunity to put my clandestine polaroid project to a good use. I have been snapping the darn things off and on for 6 years and have really come up with some surprisingly great results. I posted just a few of them under a "polaroids" link to the right.

Here is a teaser to get you interested.


Mindy Bray said...

I apologize in advance for the note I just sent asking where you are working. Obviously, the answer here is in the studio, with some good results. I love these polaroids!! I also remember some perhaps manipulated slides you showed me taken in ... was it guatemala? Central America in any case. Very cool also.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE these polaroids! Would they all be for sale??

Claudine said...

They would all be for sale. And that was part of the decision to try and show this work. While I was reading at the shop, I saw someone purchase a painting off the wall. I know my prices would have to be very low in order to move work there. So I thought of the polaroids. I could easily sell them for a modest amount and perhaps generate some interest. On the other hand, this is sort of a pet project of mine and the really good polaroids have become more dear to me than many of my paitings. So I will have to be careful about what I let go.