Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Botanical I

I think it's finished...


Anonymous said...

In turns prehistoric, whimsical, stark, large a piece is it?

To my un(der)educated eye, I would say this seems like if not a departure, then at least a pivot from the rest of your work, where it's been. There seems to be a real sense of direction here. I don't know if that's right, and then of course there's the worry that I'm implying the rest has no direction (I mean no such thing). Ah, critiquing is fun...

Claudine said...

It's 24" x 36" I believe. A standard sheet of watercolor paper.

littlemithi said...

Is it in watercolours? Or diluted inks? Yup ... abit of a departure from what we've seen of late ... But love it non-the-less.

And am loving the polaroids!

Claudine said...

I'm working only with India ink, brushes and pen "nibs"? (Is that what I would call them.) So the variation in tone is dilution, yes. Oh, I am also using a little white acrylic paint if I want those highlights but didn't think to mask them in the first place.