Friday, March 21, 2008

My Grandmother's sewing machine

Ok Mithi...or any other reader I may have who knows little about sewing.l I want to use the machine to stitch shapes into my canvas before I stretch and paint it. I think I need both a darning foot and a darning plate. Does anyone know if I've got it right in the photo above?


Claudine said...

I'm such a dork, leaving a comment for myself, but I found this free motion embroidery tip I wanted to pass along (if Mithi checks this out...)

If someone wants to do free motion embroidery and has to cover, or lower the feed dogs or disasemble a part of their machine, all they need to do is turn their stitch length to "0", and the feed dogs won't move, thus allowing them to move their work freely.

littlemithi said...

Oh interesting! My thing came with a plate which effectively raised the surface above the feed dog. I hadn't known about the stitch length "0" thing. I don't have a darning foot so am managing with just the normal foot adjusted so that it would let me move the fabric/paper underneath it easily. I've had a go but as I'm not even confident in sewing, I've found it quite difficult to control the speed of the machine, and therefor drawing. Practice practice practice I guess...

And by the way, thanks for the comment - that was precisely why I started the blog - not for anyone else, but so that I could monitor my progress. I've since stopped worrying about what kind of progress I'm making and am just enjoying the process :) Hope you are too ...