Monday, June 25, 2007

Eve 24" x 24"

Here is the piece in which I incorporated the linocut into the background. I left the grain of the wood exposed which also led me to paint with acrylics rather than oils as I could eliminate the need for gesso. I probably still should have prepared the area under the painting with gesso, but with acrylics unlike oils I don't suffer as much for this oversight when trying to manipulate the paint. Initially, I was painting a pigeon in the top lefthand corner of the picture - a poopy pigeon. I really didn't like how it was turning out. So today, after I added the apples, I sanded the bird out. I am left with a rather rough looking portion in the painting and I am not sure yet how or if I will resolve this. The whole piece has been fun, fabulous, and messy!


Anonymous said...

"oh, how cool" was what audibly came out as I just checked it. I like it, even liked the poopy pigeon!

Anonymous said...

I keep coming back to this post. I think it's beautiful. I didn't even notice the plywood until I read your narrative, it seemed somehow drapeish. Like B, I liked the poopy pigeon...
I dragged my mom by it today to get her take on it. She was equally intrigued. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Me liked pigeon.

Cookie Monsta

Unknown said...

Now, which is current? The one with the pigeon rubbed out? I also liked the pigeon; she appears to be dive-bombing, her mouth open as the apples plummet. All in all, this is a really cool piece!