Friday, August 07, 2009

Thanks to everyone

who made it out to Newton last night. It was a mellow turn out with a lot of support coming in via the web or the phone from places out West. Thank you to those well wishers who attended in spirit. Here are some photos of the gallery, the schmoozing and the hanging.

Lisa and Jenna helped me to arrange and hang the show which took six hours on Monday to sort out! Thank you ladies.

These two walls face each other and greet viewers as they enter the library inviting them to come into the gallery to view the rest of the show. I really love how these are arranged. I wouldn't have put this together by myself.

The three photos below are from the interior of the gallery itself. It's a gorgeous space, very large, with picture windows at the far end letting in good natural light. I think we struck just the right balance with this exhibit giving the work ample visual room to breathe.

There was a lot of interest and great feedback. If you haven't had a chance to see the work yet, the show will remain on display until Aug. 30. Click here for hours and directions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a sense of accomplishment you must feel to see all those great pieces all together like that!